Загальна інформація про роботу спеціального миротворчого центру

Відео-презентація про роботу спеціального миротворчого центру



From May 29, 2018, in pursuance of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated May 17, 2018 No. 6737/01 / 22-2018 "On the Selection of Employees in the International Peace and Security Operations", the Special Peacekeeping Center carries out appropriate tests for the testing of National Police officers and National Guard troops and their further selection to participate in international peace and security operations. The events will last until June 17, 2018.


Congratulations on the International Day of UN Peacekeepers!

Celebrating this holiday, we are deeply honored by all those who make active efforts to prevent or eliminate the threat to peace and security far from their native land.


    Special Peacekeeping Training Center

    Реєстрація на дистанційний курс